This morning in Sandy, UT our departure was held up because we didn’t receive our Maxtrax the night before. Nonetheless, we still got them without any other issues and were able to make good time down to Las Vegas. In Vegas we met up with Eric, the founder of Team 5, to grab some extra medical supplies for the medical trip in Guatemala.
Over dinner Eric blew our minds with his awesome stories. His idea for creating the Team 5 company was to bring medical treatment to extremely difficult areas in the world using top military operators, such as Green Beret and Seal team members. Of course this got all of us really excited for the adventure on that leg of the trip. Everyone, that is, with the exception of Ty because he realized that he would be missing one of the most epic parts of this expedition.
We hit the pavement again and continued on until we decided to stop and set up camp about 2 hours away from the border of Mexico in a beautiful location off the road in the deserts of Southern California.