EP22 | Overlanding Safety and Security with Mike Glover of Fieldcraft Survival

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Episode Description

Join Clay and Jimmy as they have the privilege to sit down with Mike Glover, former Special Forces soldier and C.I.A. operative, and owner of Fieldcraft Survival. When it comes to vehicle-based adventure travel and overlanding, we want to have fun while keeping ourselves and our fellow travelers safe. Whether we are traveling solo, with a partner, as a family, or as a highly capable team, best practices for staying safe and secure are presented here.

Mike is owner/founder of Fieldcraft Survival, a business built off of the expertise and copious experience Mike gained in his 18 years in the U.S. military. The mission of Field Craft Survival is to provide training, education, and high-quality gear to equip average citizens to be prepared in the face of a worst-case scenario involving any sort of human or naturally caused disaster.

In this episode of the X Overland Podcast, join Mike and Clay as the two discuss best practices for staying safe while overlanding. Learn how to select a safe campsite, listen to your intuition, prepare for and educate yourself about where you will be going, and avoid conflicts while traveling.

Detailed Episode Summary

Part 1 (1:30-3:30) Intro to Mike Glover/What is a Human Caused Event? Mike Glover explains his working definition of a “Human Caused Event” as a “Man-Made Catastrophe,” providing details about the types of situations his business, @fieldcraftsurvival, is designed to help people prepare for.

Part 2 (3:30-11:30) Who is Mike Glover and what is his background? What is Field Craft Survival? Mike Glover provides listeners with a short biography explaining his background in the military and his work with Special Forces (SF) and the C.I.A. along with a look at his education and specialization as a problem solver. What is “preparedness,” exactly?

Part 3 (11:30-14:00) Defining the Special Operator Approach and Mindset: Mike breaks down the reasons why Special Forces/Operators are so successful in taking on seemingly impossible situations while illustrating how the thinking behind these elite military teams can be applicable to your own worst-case-scenario life situations.

Part 4 (14:30-18:30) What are the Different Mindsets of Preparedness or Lack Thereof? Clay Croft explores the different mindsets of preparedness or lack thereof when it comes to the average recreationalist/civilian. Mike explains the difference between the virtual utopia represented on our cell phones and the real threats and dangers of physical reality.

Part 5 (18:30-22:30) Mike Glover explains how to practice a safe and responsible approach to world travel: Mike Glover explains the value in “doing your homework” and getting yourself educated ahead of time on where you’ll be traveling. What is the difference in the way of dangers and threats when you travel abroad vs. traveling domestically? Clay explains the theory of risk-assessment whether traveling domestically or abroad.

Part 6 (22:30-30:20) Mike Glover explains approaches to staying safe while overlanding through mobility security: Mike discussed the “⅓ Rule” along with how preparedness can start with a conversation. Clay and Mike share how everyday recreationalists can practice the military habit of “War-Gaming” to learn new skillsets and practice problem-solving.

Part 7 (30:20-35:00) Clay Croft and Mike Glover discuss the value of getting hands-on training and education: Clay shares his experience of a 30-day outdoor skills and leadership program through N.O.L.S. and Mike explains the value behind his Field Craft Survival Mobility Training Course. Mike explains what it looks like to be a “professional student in life” and the value of working with “S.M.E.s” (Subject-matter-experts) to build a collective body of useful skills.

Part 8 (35:00-37:30) What is Overlanding? What is the Overlanding Community? Mike, Clay, and Jimmy discuss what it means to be an overlander and the value in being part of the overlanding community, exploring definitions of overlanding and how best to enjoy the experience of it.

Part 9 (37:30-49:30) Selecting a Safe and Secure Campsite Cont.: Clay and Mike share best practices for campsite selection in terms of safety and security. Clay explains the value of “trusting your gut” and the thesis of Gavin de Becker’s book, The Gift of Fear. Clay and Mike discuss techniques, strategies, and approaches for selecting a safe campsite. Mike explains the difference between choosing an “overt” or a “covert” campsite and in what conditions each is appropriate.

Part 10 (49:35-55:30) The Value and Importance of Time in Catastrophe: Mike explains how moving away from the threat is key to staying safe amid dangers both naturally caused and human-centered. Clay shares personal stories of an incident that occurred during the filming of The Baja Special in 2021.
Part 11 (49:35-1:05:30) How to Stay Safe while Traveling and Overlanding Internationally: Mike Glover uses his exhaustive experience as a C.I.A. operative to help overlanders and those traveling internationally stay safe while traveling abroad and within foreign countries. CIA.gov Mike explains how to do your research before traveling abroad so that you can both stay safe and not be exploited by foreign governments.

Part 12 (105:50-End) The Reward of Personal Growth and Sense of Accomplishment Gained Through Overlanding and International Travel: Mike and Clay explain how the rewards are worth the effort when it comes to overlanding and international travel. Mike explains how the whole process of the overlanding experience is of such high value to growing as a person and overlander. Clay explains his philosophy around this statement: “True life is on the other side of your fear.”

Where you can find Mike Glover/Helpful Resources:

Fieldcraft Survival’s Website

Mike Glover’s Website


Field Craft Survival Podcast
Mike Force Podcast


Field Craft Survival YouTube Channel
Mike Glover Actual YouTube Channel



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