EP08 | Reflecting on Alaska: The Last Frontier

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Episode Description

X Overland team member Tanner Johnson joins Clay and Jimmy to reflect upon our most recent series, Alaska: The Last Frontier.

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This episode is brought to you by OnX Offroad!

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Detailed Episode Summary

Part 1 (2:50-9:30) The Unprecedented Success of Alaska: The Last Frontier Clay discusses his thoughts on the success of the new hit series, Alaska: The Last Frontier exploring the importance of “story,” the appeal of Alaska, and the importance of the original Alaska-themed series released in 2013: Alaska/Yukon. Also, what did the team do differently from previous series when it came to filmmaking?

Part 2 (9:30-12:00) Challenges with Filming in Alaska: How the Alaskan summer rains shapes the mood and story of the film. Going to 4K. How X Overland builds films for beyond YouTube.

Part 3 (12:30-16:00) Clay Croft the Filmmaker: Filmmaker Warren Miller as mentor. The art of storytelling through film.

Part 4 (16:00-23:50) Reflections on the 2022 Baja Series: The huge variety of activities as part of overlanding; humanitarian overlanding; first post-Covid international trip; Are you safe in Baja? How we’re conditioned by where we live. Baja as a useful first challenge for an overlander and an excellent learning experience. Our newest Baja series as a useful education for anyone overlanding in Baja.

Part 5 (24:00- 32:00) Male Mentorship, Fatherhood, and Boys Coming of Age: Peter and Dan van Stralen; Cyrus Croft; the differences experienced when traveling with another team; the difference between overlanding and making a film about overlanding; the mission of Expedition Overland and the “expedition” of making a film about overlanding. Tanner and Clay discuss their passion for filmmaking.

Part 6 (32:00-42:50) What did Clay and Tanner Learn from the Alaska Trip? How Does Overlanding Change a Person? The need to look inward as an overlander and be open to discovering yourself and growing as a person. Clay and Cyrus change as Father and Son; and fishing in Alaska for the team. What did Tanner learn from Alaska? (This might surprise you.) The value of Bushcraft for overlanders. The value of overlanding in building relationships. Overlanding as a tool for teaching lessons in appreciation.

Part 7 (42:55-46:00) Clay Croft’s Experience in Slovenia and with N.O.L.S. (National Outdoor Leadership School): Extended experience away from home; wilderness/backcountry training; appreciating the little things. Slovenia as first international trip. The value of travel. The tangible vs. the nostalgic part. The vehicle as a way to travel internally as well as externally.

Part 8 (46:15- 55:20) Frontiers–Geographical and Personal. What is within you? What is your personal “frontier”? What is Clay’s personal frontier? Where is Tanner’s? Jimmy’s? The battle with ego and insecurity and the need for humility. The need to push back in order to grow. You’re either growing or dying. The value of starting to think more deeply about your life and personal “frontiers.”

Part 9 (55:30- End) Final Thoughts on Overlanding: What is overlanding to us? To you? Final thoughts on Alaskan experience. The road’s end.

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